Thursday, 18 February 2010

Eightieth Tiny Moment.


  1. you're so right! We think we are protecting our children from life situations that might make them worried and fearful but in the process of hiding things from them we only create a situation more frightening and the concept where there is no communcation and therefore no shared experience.
    Love your stuff. The missing cat - fantastic.

  2. Wow, my parents and their culture are the exact same way. i'll never understand why adults underestimate children so much. i love the comment about how you are now 'protecting' them because they don't want you to know (it makes them feel better). Thanks for this.

  3. Thanks for the comments! I certainly hold no grudge, and I'll probably do the same to my own children one day!

  4. This is such a sad one, and one that I am sure many people can relate to. There are so many things that adults try and keep from their kids, thinking that if it not spoken about then their children wont know about it. Yet, the act of hiding things such as news of cancer, domestic abuse and death can make the issue bigger and harder to deal with.
    Thanks for doing this one, it has made me reflect on my own life and the subjects that were never talked about.
